the newsletter of tbd consultants - 1st qtr 2012

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In this Edition

Jobs and Education
High Efficiency Schools
Virtual Classrooms

Construction Management Specialists

111 Pine Street, Suite 1315
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 981-9430 (San Francisco office)
6517 Lakeview Drive
Falls Church, VA 22041
(703) 609-7494 (Washington, DC office)
4361 35th Street
San Diego, CA 92104
(619) 550-1187 (San Diego office)
8538 173rd Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052
(206) 571-0128 (Seattle office)


Jobs and Education
Geoff Canham, Editor

The unemployment problem refuses to go away at more than a slow crawl, and in this article we look at how education can help the current situation and how its need will grow in future.


High Efficiency Schools

In this article we look at the movement towards green buildings in schools, the different certification routes that currently exist, and at the positive effects such schools can have on students.


Virtual Classrooms

The Internet is becoming an integral part of our lives in so many ways, and education doesn't escape its influence. Here we look at how the Internet is being used to extend the reach of educational institutions.



Design consultant: Katie Levine of Vallance, Inc.